Tour de Cure

Exclusive offer from Chris Carmichael and CTS

Thank you for your commitment to supporting the American Diabetes Association in the fight to stop diabetes, and for joining me for a Tour de Cure ride! As a busy cyclist with a lot of priorities to balance, it can be difficult to find the time for exercise. It can be even more difficult to maintain the consistency and structure necessary to perform at your best. To help you achieve your personal goals while also supporting the ADA, please consider the following offer:

Sign up for a CTS Camp, and on top of delivering unsurpassed service from the best endurance coaches in the industry, CTS will make a 10% donation to the American Diabetes Association. Donations will be made after the conclusion of your camp. Nearly every cyclist we work with wants to ride with more confidence, speed, and comfort, and these three-and-a-half day camps are just what you need.

To take advantage of this offer, please call CTS Athlete Services at 1-866-355-0645 or email them at This can also be combined with other CTS promotions (One-month FREE of a 12-month coaching package or 10% off Performance Testing, including 3D Dynamic Bike Fitting).

Register today for a chance to win a signed copy of The Time-Crunched Cyclist and receive training tips and promotions from CTS.


Chris Carmichael
CEO/Head Coach
Carmichael Training Systems


© 2023 American Diabetes Association

All rights reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading 501(C)3 nonprofit charity providing diabetes research, information and advocacy.

Tour de Cure is the premier fundraising campaign of the American Diabetes Association ®, now with virtual engagement designed for anyone and everyone to participate. The campaign has been expanded to include more members of our community and bring them together to learn about diabetes, healthy living and to support people living with diabetes. Tour de Cure is a unique opportunity for businesses, clubs, friends and families to form virtual teams with the vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens.

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The Verification Code is imprinted on credit cards to help merchants verify transactions when the actual card is not present, such as Internet purchases or donations. The merchant uses this number as part of the authorization process with the card issuer.

Please use the images below to locate the verification code for your card type.

Visa, Master Card, and Discover

Visa, Master Card, and Discover Verification Code

The verification code for Visa, Master Card, and Discover is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card. It appears after the account number or last 4-digits of your account number, in the signature panel.

American Express Verification Code

American Express

The American Express verification code is a 4-digit number printed on the front of your card. It appears above and to the right of the embossed account number.


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