Tour de Cure

Easy Fundraising Tips

At the Tour de Cure, we strive to provide our riders with a lot of personal attention to help them meet and exceed their fundraising goals. Throughout the course of the campaign we offer a lot of valuable tips and strategies to make fundraising as easy as possible. We do this through emails, phone calls, personal visits, and can even host internal kickoff events with teams at their own companies if requested.

We offer all of our registered riders a comprehensive fundraising guide which can be used as a reference throughout the year. Below are a few helpful fundraising tips as you get started on your fundraising:

  • Connect your donors to our mission; include facts about why you are supporting the ADA and the Tour de Cure.
  • Utilize your personal webpage provided by the ADA and personalize it with "why you ride" from the very start. Let your donors know your reason(s) for riding. Everyone has a story so don't be shy about sharing your own.
  • Send emails to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, fellow church members, old classmates-you never know who has been touched by diabetes.
  • Set a high but not impossible goal and share this goal with everyone!
  • If you plan a fundraiser make sure it's something you enjoy doing so it feels less like work and more like fun! For example, if you're a gardener host a flower sale or if you're a musician offer to play at a local venue at no cost and collect donations from people attending the show.
  • Double your money by applying for a matching gift. Be sure to check with your company to see if matching gifts are offered. You can also ask any of your donors if their donations are eligible to be matched by their companies too.
  • Use the Tour de Cure Mobile App for iPhone and Android to send donation requests, thank you contributors, check your progress and more.
  • Use the power of social media to reach your contacts and fundraise on Facebook! We have a fundraising app which will connect your Facebook page to your online Tour webpage making online fundraising a snap!
  • Form a team and fundraise even more with a group of like-minded individuals!

These tips are just a few of the things we suggest to our riders but we're also here to provide you with a personalized experience so please reach out to your local Tour staff to talk about other ways in which you can fundraise successfully!


© 2023 American Diabetes Association

All rights reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

The American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading 501(C)3 nonprofit charity providing diabetes research, information and advocacy.

Tour de Cure is the premier fundraising campaign of the American Diabetes Association ®, now with virtual engagement designed for anyone and everyone to participate. The campaign has been expanded to include more members of our community and bring them together to learn about diabetes, healthy living and to support people living with diabetes. Tour de Cure is a unique opportunity for businesses, clubs, friends and families to form virtual teams with the vision of a life free of diabetes and all its burdens.

Credit Card Verification Code

The Verification Code is imprinted on credit cards to help merchants verify transactions when the actual card is not present, such as Internet purchases or donations. The merchant uses this number as part of the authorization process with the card issuer.

Please use the images below to locate the verification code for your card type.

Visa, Master Card, and Discover

Visa, Master Card, and Discover Verification Code

The verification code for Visa, Master Card, and Discover is a 3-digit number printed on the back of your card. It appears after the account number or last 4-digits of your account number, in the signature panel.

American Express Verification Code

American Express

The American Express verification code is a 4-digit number printed on the front of your card. It appears above and to the right of the embossed account number.


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